.. WRP Client documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Tue Jan 28 10:36:49 2020. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. WRP Client - Workswell Remote Protocol Client ============================================= Welcome to the WRP Client's documentation! WRP Client and `WRP Server `_ are two parts of a driver that allows to connect to the `Workswell InfraRed Camera `_ using Python. This repository contains the client part, that is written in Python. The second part, `WRP Server `_, is written in C# because the Workswell company provides and supports access to the cameras only through their C# SDK and not throught any other language. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Classes: classes/client classes/camera classes/message classes/wrp_connector .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Protocols: wrp Installation ---------------------- The simplest way to install :ref:`WRP ` client is from the pypi: .. code-block:: bash pip install wrpclient Alternative method is to build this repository: .. code-block:: bash git clone https://github.com/Kasape/wrpclient.git cd wrpclient python setup.py install Usage ---------------------- This project is implemented using asyncio library. But because using asyncio library can be a little problematic for beginners in Python, there are also synchronous wrappers about the asynchronous ones. First we have to create a instance of Client class and then connect it to the server: .. code-block:: python from datetime import datetime import wrp_client import asyncio client = wrp_client.Client() SERVER_IP_ADDRESS = "" # synchronous wrapper for the method (coroutine) # client.connect_async(ip_adress=SERVER_IP_ADDRESS) client.connect(ip_adress=SERVER_IP_ADDRESS, timeout="20") Once the client is connected to the server, we can get list of all cameras that was identified by the server. .. code-block:: python # get all cameras all_cameras = client.get_cameras(timeout="20") Or we can get only one camera identified by the serial number. If the camera is not available, ValueError exception is raised. Then we have to open the camera to get frame(s): .. code-block:: python # find camera with specific serial number my_camera = client.get_camera(serial_number="ABCDEF", timeout="20") my_camera.open(timeout="20") # Return 2D frame (numpy matrix) with dtype np.float32 filled with raw data (decimal values of temperatures) frame = my_camera.get_frame(timeout="20") As you can see, all the functions above have parameter timeout. That is because each function is sending some request and is expecting response from to the server and latence of the server depends on the latence of the cameras. There are also asynchronous versions of these functions for more advanced users. They are named `xxx_async` as shown in case of `client.connect_async`. You can also ask camera for the continuous stream of frames: .. code-block:: python def callback(frame): time_str = datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S-%f") frame_color = cv2.applyColorMap(frame, cv2.COLORMAP_JET) cv2.imwrite(f"frame-{time_str}.jpg", frame_color) # give handler for continuous shot that saves colorized images with timestamp suffix my_camera.start_continuous_shot(callback) # wait some time to collect images asyncio.sleep(5) my_camera.stop_continuous_shot(callback) If you want to use the API in IPython enviroment (most common are Jupyter notebooks), you have to install `Nest asyncio ` and run the following code before using wrpclient: .. code-block:: python import nest_asyncio nest_asyncio.apply() Documentation ------------- Above you can find guide for installation and example of usage. The full version of the documentation also containing class and methods description (API) can be found on `ReadTheDocs page `_ or you can build it from a repository with code: .. code-block:: bash git clone https://github.com/Kasape/wrpclient.git cd wrpclient/docs pip install sphinx make html and open it with your browser on the address ``file:///docs/_build/html/index.html``. Licence ------- This project has GNU GPLv3 License.